080-8562-8293 Okitour customer center

Qestion/Answer Bulletin board

Okitour is always bending an ear to customer's voice. We will reply as fast as possible.

Writer : HSU ICHU
您好:我在04/02有予約,予約號:231687172 ,如果可以的話,可以幫予約一台cx-5嗎?謝謝.

Hi Sir,
I had reserved one car by 04.02,the reservation number:231687172
If possible.May I have a cx-5?thank you.

2024/ 4/ 8/ 13:02:26

Hello, this is OkiTour.

We apologize, but we cannot assign specific vehicles as they are all allocated randomly. We ask for your understanding.

Thank you.

Date : 2024/ 4/ 8/ 12:40:51