080-8562-8293 Okitour customer center


Okitour terms of service

Okitour's terms of service Okitour complies to the laws of the country.

Article 1 (Purpose)
These terms and conditions are intended to establish the details of the implementation and compliance of overseas travel contracts concluded between OKITOUR Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) and travelers.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms)
okitour.co.jp refers to the service operated by OKITOUR Co., Ltd.

“Traveler” refers to members and non-members who access OKITOUR Co., Ltd. and receive services provided by OKITOUR Co., Ltd. in accordance with these terms and conditions.

“Member” refers to a person who has registered as a member of OKITOUR Co., Ltd. and can continuously use the services provided by OKITOUR Co., Ltd.

“Non-member” refers to a person who uses the services provided by OKITOUR Co., Ltd. without registering as a member.

The types and definitions of travel and the definition of overseas travel agency business are as follows. 1. Planned travel: A travel where the company recruits travelers by advertising or other means after determining the travel destination and itinerary, the transportation and accommodation services to be provided to travelers (hereinafter referred to as “travel services”), and the travel fee in advance.

2. Desired travel: A travel where the company establishes and implements an overall plan for the travel, including transportation, accommodation, and sightseeing, based on the travel conditions desired by the traveler (individual or group).

3. Overseas travel agency service (hereinafter referred to as “Agency Service Contract”): A travel where the company agrees to receive a certain agency fee from the traveler and acts on behalf of the traveler for the following tasks (hereinafter referred to as “Agency Service”).

1) Procedures for obtaining visas, re-entry permits, and various certificates

2) Preparation of immigration documents and other related tasks

Article 3 (Obligations of the company and travelers)

① In order to provide safe and satisfactory travel services to travelers, the company must faithfully perform its assigned duties in the process of establishing and executing travel plans, including travel arrangements and guidance, transportation, and accommodation. ② Travelers must actively cooperate with the company in maintaining travel order and promoting harmony among travelers for a safe and enjoyable trip.

Article 4 (Provision and Change of Services)

① The company performs the following tasks:

1. Provision of Oki Tour Service, a reservation agency service

2. Provision of Oki Tour Service website, mobile website, and mobile application

3. Other services provided on the Oki Tour website

Article 5 (Contract Composition)

① The travel contract consists of a travel contract (separately provided for each travel product), travel terms and conditions, and a travel itinerary (or travel brochure).

② The travel itinerary (or travel brochure) must include the travel schedule for each travel date, such as travel destinations and sightseeing content, transportation, number of shopping trips, accommodations, meals, etc., as well as the contents of services provided by the company and precautions for travelers.

③ In the event that the company cannot provide services due to reasons such as a change in business type, abandonment of business, or integration between companies, the company shall notify the user in the manner specified in Article 9 and compensate the consumer according to the conditions initially presented by the company. However, the compensation amount cannot be more than the service usage fee provided to the user.

Article 6 (Special Agreement)

The company and the traveler may enter into a special agreement in writing within the scope that does not violate relevant laws and regulations. In this case, the company must explain to the traveler any differences from the standard terms and conditions.

Article 7 (Provision of Safety Information and Delivery of Contracts, etc.)

When entering into a travel contract with a traveler, the company must provide the travel terms and conditions and the travel destination safety information posted on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Overseas Safety Travel website (www.0404.go.kr), and when entering into a travel contract, the company must provide the traveler with one copy each of the contract and travel schedule (or travel brochure).

Article 8 (Deemed Delivery of Contracts, Terms and Conditions, etc.)

① When the company notifies a member, it may do so to the e-mail address designated by the member.

② In the case of notification to an unspecified number of members, the company may substitute individual notification by posting it on the Oki Tour bulletin board for at least one week. However, individual notice will be given for matters that have a significant impact on the member's own transactions.

Article 9 (Company's Responsibility)

The company shall be liable for any damages caused intentionally or negligently to the traveler by the company or its employees, local travel agencies, or its employees (hereinafter referred to as "employees") in relation to the company's duties stipulated in Article 3, Paragraph 1 from the start to the end of the trip.

Article 10 (Cancellation of contract when minimum number of participants is not met)

If the company cancels the travel contract because the minimum number of participants is not met, it shall notify the traveler at least 7 days prior to the departure date.

① If the company cancels the contract without notifying within the deadline of the preceding paragraph due to insufficient number of participants, it shall compensate the traveler with the amount of 1 of the following items in addition to refunding the deposit already paid. If notified 1 day before departure: 30% of the travel fee

If notified on the day of departure: 50% of the travel fee

Article 11 (Refusal to enter into a contract)

The company may refuse to enter into a contract with a traveler if any of the following reasons apply to the traveler:

① When it is determined that the traveler causes inconvenience to other travelers or interferes with the smooth operation of the travel

② When it is determined that the travel is difficult due to illness or other reasons

③ When the maximum number of participants specified in the contract is exceeded

④ Payment by electronic money

⑤ Payment through PayPal

⑥ Payment by points paid by OKITour Co., Ltd., such as mileage

⑦ Payment by gift certificates or coupons that the company has contracted with or approved

⑧ Payment by other electronic payment methods, etc.

Article 12 (Travel Fee)

① The travel fee in the travel contract includes the following items. However, the desired travel is subject to agreement between the parties.

1. Fares for transportation agencies such as airplanes, ships, and railways (standard fares)

2. Shuttle bus fares between airports, stations, docks, and hotels

3. Accommodation and meal fees

4. Guide expenses

5. Various taxes required during the trip

6. Domestic and international airport and port taxes

7. Tourism Promotion and Development Fund

8. Entrance fees to tourist attractions listed on the itinerary

9. Other costs according to individual contracts

② When signing a contract, the traveler must pay the company a deposit (10% or less of the travel fee), and the deposit is treated as all or part of the travel fee or damages.

③ The traveler must pay the company the remaining balance of the travel fee in Paragraph 1, excluding the deposit, no later than 7 days before the departure date.

④ The traveler must pay the travel fee in Paragraph 1 by card, bank transfer, or bank transfer, as agreed upon by the parties.

⑤ If the desired travel fee includes travel insurance, the company must explain the name of the insurance company, compensation details, etc. to the traveler. Article 13 (Changes in Travel Fees)

① When conducting an overseas trip, if the fee to be paid to the transportation and accommodation facility used increases or decreases by 5% or more from the time of signing the contract, or if the foreign exchange rate applied to the travel fee increases or decreases by 2% or more from the time of signing the contract, the company or traveler may request the other party to increase or decrease the travel fee within the range of the increased or decreased amount.

② When the company increases the travel fee according to the provisions of Paragraph 1, it must notify the traveler 15 days prior to the departure date.

Article 14 (Requirements for Changes in Travel Conditions and Settlement of Fees, etc.)

① The travel conditions of Articles 1 through 12 above may be changed only in the following cases:

1. When both parties agree that it is unavoidable due to the traveler’s request or local circumstances for the safety and protection of the traveler

2. When the purpose of the trip cannot be achieved due to natural disasters, wars, government orders, strikes, closures of transportation, accommodation facilities, etc.

② In the event that the travel fee under Article 11 Paragraph 1 increases or decreases due to changes in the travel conditions under Paragraph 1 and changes in the travel fee under Article 12, the amount changed before the departure of the trip must be settled (refunded) before the departure of the trip, and the amount changed during the trip must be settled (refunded) within 10 days after the end of the trip.

③ In the event that damages arise due to changes in the travel conditions other than those under Paragraph 1 or cancellation or termination of the contract under Article 14 or 15, the amount incurred before the departure of the trip must be settled (refunded) before the departure of the trip, and the amount incurred during the trip must be settled (refunded) within 10 days after the end of the trip. ④ If a traveler fails to receive services included in the travel fee, such as accommodation, meals, or sightseeing, due to his/her own circumstances after the departure of the trip, he/she cannot claim a refund of the corresponding fee from the company. However, if the trip is terminated in the middle, it will be handled in accordance with Article 16.

Article 15 (Compensation for Damages)

① If the company causes damage to the traveler due to the intention or negligence of a local travel agency, etc., the company must compensate the traveler for the damage.

② If the traveler's travel schedule is disrupted due to the company's fault in failing to obtain a visa, re-entry permit, or various certificates necessary for the traveler's overseas travel, the company must compensate the traveler for the entire amount received from the traveler for the procedures and an amount equivalent to 100% of that amount.

③ The company must compensate the traveler for damages incurred due to delays in the departure or arrival of transportation such as airplanes, trains, or ships, or traffic congestion. However, this does not apply if the company proves that there was no intention or negligence. ④ The company shall not be exempted from liability for damages resulting from loss, damage, or delay of the traveler’s luggage unless it proves that it or its employees did not neglect their due care in receiving, delivering, or storing the traveler’s luggage.

Article 16 (Cancellation of Contract before Departure)

① The company or traveler may cancel this travel contract before departure. In this case, the amount of damages incurred shall be compensated in accordance with the ‘Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards’ (Fair Trade Commission Notice).

1. In case of a traveler’s request to cancel the travel contract (when the traveler requests cancellation)

- If notified 30 days (~30) prior to the start of the trip: Refund of deposit

- If notified 20 days (29~20) prior to the start of the trip: 10% of the total product price

- If notified 10 days (19~10) prior to the start of the trip: 15% of the total product price

- If notified 8 days (9~8) prior to the start of the trip: 20% of the total product price

- If notified 1 day (7~1) prior to the start of the trip: 30% of the total product price

- If notified on the day of the trip: 50% of the total product price

② The company or traveler may cancel this travel contract without paying the other party the compensation amount of Article 1 if any of the following reasons apply before the start of the trip.

1. In case of cancellation due to the company's fault

- If notified 30 days (~30) before the start of the trip: Refund of deposit

- If notified 20 days (29~20) before the start of the trip: 10% of the total product price in compensation

- If notified 10 days (19~10) before the start of the trip: 15% of the total product price in compensation

- If notified 8 days (9~8) before the start of the trip: 20% of the total product price in compensation

- If notified 1 day (7~1) before the start of the trip: 30% of the total product price will be compensated

- If notified on the day of the trip: 50% of the total product price will be compensated

2. Cases in which the company may cancel

A. Cases in Article 13, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 2

B. When it is determined that the traveler is causing inconvenience to other travelers or significantly hindering the smooth operation of the trip

C. When the traveler is unable to participate in the trip due to an abnormality in the traveler's body, such as an illness

D. When the traveler does not pay the travel fee by the due date stated in the contract

3. Cases in which the traveler may cancel

A. Cases in Article 13, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 and 2

B. When a relative within the third degree of kinship of the traveler dies

C. When the traveler is unable to participate in the trip due to an abnormality in the traveler's body, such as an illness

D. If a spouse or direct ascendant is hospitalized for more than 3 days due to a physical disorder and is difficult to discharge before the departure of the trip, one spouse or guardian

E. If it becomes impossible to carry out the trip according to the travel schedule written in the contract or travel schedule (travel brochure) due to the fault of the company

F. If it is determined that it is difficult to continue the trip due to an increase in the travel fee according to the provisions of Article 12, Paragraph 1

Article 17 (Cancellation of contract after departure)

① The company or traveler may cancel this travel contract after the departure of the trip if there is an unavoidable reason. However, the company must compensate for any damages incurred by the other party as a result.

② If the contract is canceled according to the provisions of Paragraph 1, the company must cooperate with the traveler in matters necessary for returning to the country, and the traveler shall bear the necessary expenses that are not due to the company's fault. Article 18 (Start and End of Travel)

The start of travel is the time of boarding (boarding in the case of a ship), and the end of travel is the time when the traveler leaves the customs area at the arrival port. However, if there is domestic movement in the contract, the departure and arrival times of the transportation used at the initial departure point are considered.

Article 19 (Duty of Explanation)

The company must explain the important contents and changes to them specified in the contract so that the traveler can understand them.

Article 20 (Insurance Subscription, etc.)

In case the company goes bankrupt and cannot refund the payment to the traveler, the travel agency must subscribe to insurance or mutual aid or deposit a business guarantee.

Article 21 (Other Matters)

① In the event of a dispute regarding matters not specified in this contract or the interpretation of this contract, the company and the traveler shall reach an agreement and decide. However, if no agreement is reached, the relevant laws and general practices shall apply. ② In the case of travel to special areas with justifiable reasons, the contents of these standard terms and conditions may be determined differently.

<Supplementary Provisions>

These terms and conditions will be effective from July 24, 2017.

Okitourwill always be with your travel.