080-8562-8293 Okitour customer center

Rental car FAQ


You・I Rental Car Rental car FAQ

If you may be late, please contact our shop or reservation center. If you late more than an hour for your departure time without any contact, your reservation may be cancelled.

On the day, don't forget ①Driver's license of the drivers, ②methods of payment.

You must contact our shop or reservation center if you want to change your return time. We will check our reservation status and let you know if you can change it or not.

Yes, of course. Our company treats you as an accident regardless of the extent of the scratches, dents, or the presence or absence of the other party. Please make sure to follow the above-mentioned procedures, including those that are not determined. (If the necessary procedures are not taken, the insurance and compensation will not be applied and the customer will be responsible.) Also, please note that we will accept the following amount as part of the sales compensation during the period. Non-Operation Charge (NOC) (1) Low damage (self-propelled) 20,000 yen; (2) High damage (self-propelled) 50,000 yen

In case of an accident, please take the following three actions as soon as possible. It includes important procedures to apply for insurance and compensation.
 (1) Relief for the injured is the most important thing. First of all, please help the injured. After that, please move your rental car to a place that won't interfere with other traffic as soon as possible.
 (2) Reporting to the police and reporting to the police are both responsible for the perpetrators and victims. I will need an accident certificate at a later date, so please take the necessary procedures. 
(3) Communication with stores and reservation centers Please make sure to contact the store or the reservation center after preparing the rental car contract. 

Not all drivers are granted one time. If you present your driver's license as a driver at the time of rent, you will be covered by the same insurance and compensation as the borrower for a total of once during the rental period. However, as with borrowers, there are cases where insurance and compensation systems do not apply, so please check the answers to the below frequently asked questions.

If the accident site has not followed the necessary procedures, such as you have not contacted the police at the scene of the accident and violated the terms and conditions of the contract. In the event that the insurance terms are not covered by the disclaimer or payment is excluded, there is a failure to use or manage.

If a customer is involved in an accident and needs to repair a rental car, it is part of the business compensation during the repair period. Regardless of the extent of the damage or the time it takes to repair it, you will pay for your car.

Yes. Credit cards are available for VISA, MasterCard, and Ginza.

Yes, you can. The Shuttle bus is run from the NAHA airport to the office. This service is only available in the Naha shop. 
Shuttle runs from 8:30 to 19:00.

In our company you basically can select the car class. Car type cannot be specified.

Anyone can make a reservation even he/she will not drive the day. However, please check with the representative driver, as you must specify who will be driving on that day.

Anyone who is drunk, hasn't paid rental fee in the past, havs been several other violations etc...

Sorry. We cannot lend cars to who don't have a formal driver's license. Please! make sure you don't forget.

Sorry. You cannot rent a car with a temporary driver's license.Also, After the driver with a formal driving license rented a car , It is strictly forbidden for a person with a temporary license to drive a car. In case a driver who drives with tenporary license causes an accident while driving, we refuse to apply the insurance and compensation system.(It will be a burden for those who have a full temporary license.)

If you have a driver's license, there is no age limit to renting a car.

Yes. (You can either prepare your own beginner's mark or rent it from our company.)

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